Published Books

The Other Boy

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The Other Boy is the first book I wrote and published. It’s a memoir that tells my story as a sensitive, intuitive father, battling through the tricky, and at times unnavigable, journey of childhood cancer as well as the resulting life which awaited my family on the other side.

Current Projects

The Mysterious Death of BigPapaJava

The Mysterious Death of BigPapaJava is a fiction novel I’m currently writing that tells the story of a young man who struggles through abandonment, loss, and his inner-self.


Spaghettification is a science-fiction novel I’m currently writing that tells the tale of an adventurer who, while battling her past and future, is on a collision course with a highly controversial company seeking to expand space travel.


The Almost Book

Difficulties have, at times, smothered each one of us. They’ve reigned down from the heavens like acid, leaving us with no means of escape. We’ve all been through something. Marriage is not immune to such nipping. In fact, marriage is like prey lying injured in a field, naked and afraid. It’s constantly nipped at, or…

How Quickly Things Change

Things change—quickly! Time doesn’t gift us the pleasure of enjoying something before it dissipates. Think about all those one-hit wonders in the music industry. Poof, and they’re gone! The same thing happens in sports, politics, and other prominent areas of our lives. When I started writing The Other Boy in March of 2019 things looked…

I Did It Anyway

Sometime during the Spring of 2019, I began writing my first book—a memoir named The Other Boy about my journey as a father through childhood cancer and special needs. I thought it would be fun, challenging, and a million other things, but I didn’t really want to write it. I didn’t really want to traverse…


M. Stephens Hall developed a deep imagination at a very young age. He often visited fantastic worlds where he unearthed profound possibilities. Although he didn’t write early in life, he found plenty of creative outlets through which to express himself. He later received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Mississippi College, and has spent over twenty years using his creativity and problem-solving skills in software development. As his intuition matured, M. Stephens began writing more frequently and with more purpose, often early in the morning before work. Poetry served him a healing mechanism during difficult times and offered a gateway into writing books. M. Stephens enjoys providing and caring for his family, exercising, adventuring, and of course, writing.
